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- rexx (1) Commands and Applications rexx (1)
- Name
- rexx - The Regina Rexx interpreter
- Syntax
- rexx [ options ] [ script [ scriptparams ]]
- Description
- Rexx will read the file named as and will assume the contents
- of that file to be a Rexx script and interpret that script. Any
- parameters following will be interpreted as the parameters to
- the Rexx script. If is not specified, the Rexx script to
- interpret will be read from standard input, and interpretation
- will start when the whole script has been read.
- If `-' is specified as script then the script will be read from
- standard input.
- Options
- -tx
- Starts interpretation with traceing set to "x". If you
- want to run your program with tracing set to "all", you
- can use the option -ta. If only -t is specified,
- "all" is the trace mode set.
- -i
- Starts Regina in interactive mode. No script will be
- executed.
- Built-ins
- Below is a list of all the standard built-in functions in Rexx.
- For a more complete description of each function, see the
- documentation accompanying Regina.
- ABBREV(long,short[,length])
- Returns `1' or 0', depending on whether `short' is an
- abbrevation of `long', or at least `length' characters.
- ABS(number)
- Returns the absolute value of `number'.
- Returns the name of the current environment.
- ARG([argno[,option]])
- Without parameters, it returns the number of
- parameters. If only `argno' is specified, it must be a
- number, and that parameter is returned. `Option' can be
- either `E' or `O', and then either `0' or `1' is
- returned, depending on whether the numbered parameter
- existed or was ommitted.
- B2X(binstring)
- Converts the bin-string `binstring' to a hex-string.
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- BITAND(string1[,[string2][,padchar]])
- Returns a string which is the bitwise AND of its two
- first parameters. The shorter string is padded with
- `padchar'.
- BITOR(string1[,[string2][,padchar]])
- Like `BITAND' but uses logical OR.
- BITXOR(string1[,[string2][,padchar]])
- Like `BITAND' but uses logical XOR.
- C2D(string[,length])
- Converts the character string `string' to a decimal
- number. `Length' specifies the number of characters in
- `string' to convert.
- C2X(string)
- Converts the character string `string' to a hex-string.
- CENTER(string,length[,padchar])
- CENTRE(string,length[,padchar])
- Centers `string' in a string of `length' characters,
- using `padchar' for padding, if neccessary.
- CHARIN([streamid][,[start][,length]])
- Read `length' (default is 1) characters from an input
- stream (default is the standard input stream),
- optionally starting at position `start' (default is the
- current read position).
- CHAROUT([streamid][,[string][,start]])
- Writes `stream' to an output stream (default is the
- standard output stream), starting at position `start'
- (default is the current write position).
- CHARS([streamid])
- Returns the number of characters left in the input
- stream (default is the standard input stream).
- COMPARE(string1,string2[,padchar])
- Returns `0' or `1', depending on whether the two strings
- are equal. The shorter string is padded with `padchar',
- or space if padchar is ommitted.
- CONDITION([option])
- Performs various operations on streams, see other
- documentation.
- COPIES(string,copies)
- Returns `copies' copies of the string `string'.
- DATATYPE(string[,option])
- Returns the datatype of `string': `NUM' if it is a
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- number, `LIT' if it is as valid literal that does not
- have a variable value, `VAR' if it is a variable, and
- `BAD' otherwise. If `option' is specified, it must be
- one of these four, and then `0' or `1' is returned,
- depending on whether `string' is of the named type.
- DATE([option])
- Returns the date, in various formats, which can be Base,
- Century, Days, European, Month, Normal, Ordered,
- Standard, USA, or Weekday.
- DELSTR(string,start[,length])
- Deletes the substring of `string' starting at position
- `start' and having a length of `length' (default is the
- rest of the string).
- DELWORD(string,start[,length])
- Deletes `length' words (default is the rest of the
- string) from `string', starting at word number `start'
- Returns the current setting of NUMERIC DIGITS.
- D2C(integer[,length])
- Converts the decimal number `integer' to a character
- string of length `length'.
- D2X(integer[,length])
- Converts the decimal number `integer' to a hex-string of
- length `length'.
- ERRORTEXT(errno)
- Returns the error text associated with error number
- `errno'.
- FORM()
- Returns the current setting of NUMERIC FORM.
- FORMAT(number[,[before][,[after][,[expp][,[expt]]]]])
- Formats `number' into a string having `before' digits
- before and `after' digits after the decimal point. The
- `expp' and `expt' governs how and when to use
- exponential form.
- FUZZ()
- Returns the current setting of NUMERIC FUZZ.
- INSERT(string1,string2[,position[,length[,padchar]]])
- Inserts `string1' into `string2' at position `position'
- and with a length of `length'.
- LASTPOS(needle,haystack[,start])
- Seeks for `needle' in `haystack', from the end towards
- the start.
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- LEFT(string,length[,padchar])
- Returns the `length' leftmost characters in `string'
- LENGTH(string)
- Returns the number of characters in `string'.
- LINEIN([streamid][,[line][,count]])
- Reads a line from an input stream (default is the
- standard input stream), optionally starting at `line'.
- If `count' is zero, no reading is performed (only
- repositioning).
- LINEOUT([streamid][,[string][,line]])
- Writes the line `string' to an output stream (default is
- the standard output stream, optionally starting at
- `line'.
- LINES([streamid])
- Returns the number of complete lines left in an input
- stream.
- MAX(number1[,number2]...)
- Returns the maximum of its parameters.
- MIN(number[,number]...)
- Returns the minimum of its parameters.
- OVERLAY(string1,string2[,[start][,[length][,padchar]]])
- Overwrites `string2' with contents of `string1'.
- POS(needle,haystack[,start])
- Seeks for first occurrence of `needle' in `haystack'.
- Returns the number of lines in the external data queue
- (stack).
- RANDOM(max)
- RANDOM([min][,[max][,seed]])
- Returns a random number in the range `min' to `max'
- (default is 0 and 100000).
- REVERSE(string)
- Reverses the order of the characters in `string'.
- RIGHT(string,length[,padchar])
- Returns the `length' rightmost characters in `string'.
- SIGN(number)
- Returns `-1', `0', or `1', depending on the sign of
- `number'.
- SOURCELINE([lineno])
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- rexx (1) Commands and Applications rexx (1)
- Returns the number of lines in the source for the
- current script, or the line specified by `lineno'.
- SPACE(string[,[length][,padchar]])
- Transform any sequence of spaces in `string' into
- exactly `length' spaces, and strips off leading and
- trailing spaces.
- STEAM(streamid[,option[,command]])
- Returns infomation about a stream, valid options are
- `Command', `Description', and `State'. See other
- documentation for more information.
- STRIP(string[,[option][,char]])
- Strips leading and trailing `char's off `string'.
- `Option' can be Leading, Trailing, or Both.
- SUBSTR(string,start[,[length][,padchar]])
- Returns the substring of `string' starting at `start'
- and having length `length'.
- SUBWORD(string,start[,length])
- Returns a subsequence of `length' words from `string'
- starting at `start'.
- SYMBOL(name)
- Test whether `name' is a numbol, variable, literal.
- TIME([option])
- Returns the time, options are Civil, Elapsed, Hours,
- Long, Minutes, Normal, Reset, and Seconds.
- TRACE([setting])
- Returns the current trace setting, and optionally sets a
- new one.
- TRANSLATE(string[,[tablein][,[tableout][,padchar]]])
- Translates characters in `string' from `tablein' to
- `tableout'.
- TRUNC(number[,length])
- Truncates `number' to `length' decimals.
- VALUE(symbol[,[value],[pool]])
- Returns the value of `symbol', optionally setting it to
- `value' afterwards.
- VERIFY(string,ref[,[option][,start]])
- Verifies that `strings' consists of characters from
- `ref', and returns the first character that does not
- match. `Option' can be Match or Nomatch.
- WORD(string,wordno)
- Returns word number `wordno' in `string'.
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- WORDINDEX(string,wordno)
- Returns the character position of word nun
- WORDLENGTH(string,wordno)
- Returns the length of word number `wordno' in `string'.
- WORDPOS(phrase,string[,start])
- Returns the word position of the start of `phrase' in
- `string'.
- WORDS(string)
- Returns the number of words in `string'.
- XRANGE([start][,end])
- Returns in alphabetic order all the characters in the
- character set from the character `start' to the
- character `end'.
- X2B(hexstring)
- Converts the hex-string `hexstring' to a bin-string.
- X2C(hexstring)
- Converts the hex-string `hexstring' to a character
- string.
- X2D(hexstring[,length])
- Converts the `length' rightmost characters of the
- hex-string `hexstring' to a decimal number.
- Copyright
- The Regina Rexx interpreter is distributed under the GNU Public
- Lisence, see the file `COPYING' in the source code
- distribution.
- Author
- <anders@lise.unit.no>.
- See Also
- There are several good reference books on Rexx. The most famous
- is "The Rexx Language" by Mike Cowlishaw. Documentation for
- Regina is located in the directory `doc' in the source code
- distribution.
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